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Pelham Primary School


Year 2: Swallows and Swifts

 The curriculum in year 2 is taught through topics, one main topic per term. These include ‘Wheels of Change’, ‘Pioneers and Places’ and ‘Islands and Oceans’. To enhance our learning, we take the children on trips (where possible) and hold special themed days such as a Hawaiian Luau!

Our timetable also includes daily phonics sessions, where the children continue to develop their knowledge of sounds and spelling patterns and guided reading sessions. Children are exposed to a wide range of literature, not only to support their writing but also to enhance their understanding of mathematical concepts and scientific processes.

This year, children will take the Phonics Screening Test in Autumn 2 (which would usually be administered in Year 1). This tests the children's ability to use their phonics skills to read both real and nonsense words.

At the end of Year 2, children will take SATs in: Reading, English grammar, punctuation and spelling and maths. Children will be given a standardised score for these tests. Teacher assessments will also be used to build up a picture of your child’s learning and achievements. In addition, your child will receive an overall result saying whether they have achieved the required standard in the tests.

Year 2 Homework

Year 2 homework will be paperless. Maths homework will be set via Mathletics each week. Weekly spellings will be posted on our Google Classrooms each week and children will be tested on their spellings every Monday.

Curriculum Overview

Click on the link below for an overview of the topics taught in each subject area, over the year.

Year 2 Curriculum Overview

Open Evening

We were unable to have an open evening this year so please Click here to view the presentation shared with parents in September 2020.