In History, we want all pupils to:
- have fun whilst developing an interest in and love of history
- be able to raise questions and think critically about past events
- develop a sense of time and chronology
- have an awareness of how past events and key figures have shaped the world; cause and consequence.
- appreciate diversity within periods studied
We will do this by:
- organising visits and trips that inspire pupils and allow them to see artefacts and hear different accounts in familiar localities
- planning age appropriate topics that ensure continuity and progression across the key stages
- ensuring that children are exposed to key historical vocabulary and master language that allows them to express their understanding
- allowing children to communicate their understanding in a variety of ways including writing, presentation, art and drama
- choosing a diverse range of interesting, relevant sources and texts that allow children to question, analyse origin, accuracy and reliability
In Geography, we want all pupils to:
- be curious and fascinated about the world and its diverse populations
- develop a greater understanding of physical and human geography
- be able to use and understand key geographical terms and vocabulary
- be aware of topical Geographical issues and have a greater understanding of their rights and responsibilities to the planet
- use and interpret a wide range of geographical sources including: maps, aerial photographs and atlases
- develop their fieldwork and observational skills
We will do this by:
- planning trips and fieldwork to enrich their learning
- linking Geographical lessons to topics in each year group with sequential steps and progressive vocabulary
- developing an awareness of human impact through links with eco-committee and themed days, e.g Earth Day
- providing a range of sources to assist children’s learning, e.g globes, compasses etc
- bringing learning into a real – life context, e.g. talking about Geography in the news
Curriculum Guidance
Click on the link below for an overview of the history and geography topics taught across each year group, throughout the year.
A Historian at Pelham - Skills progression through the year groups
A Geographer at Pelham - Skills progression through the year groups
See reference to the National Curriculum subject guidance History and Geography